Introduction to Improv – Beginners Evening Class at Midlands Arts Centre.
Introduction to Improv – Beginners Evening Class at Midlands Arts Centre. 654 314 Jon Trevor 12-week beginners’ course to learn the core skills of improvised comedy.
Discover the joy, freedom, and challenge of Improv. Learn to be more creative and more playful. Low-pressure, high-enjoyment classes in a fun, friendly, supportive, and stress-free environment. Complete beginners are welcome. You don’t need any drama, acting, comedy or improv experience whatsoever. You don’t have to be clever, fast, or funny either. Also good for writers, actors and comedians looking to widen their skills. Even good for introverts!
Improv is not the same as stand-up; you’re not alone on stage and it’s not about telling jokes. It’s about working together as a team with other improvisers to spontaneously create group stories, scenes & sketches. There’s no such thing as failure in improv!Over a course of 11 weekly workshops you’ll progress as a team while learning core improvisation skills like Spontaneity, Listening, Yes And Character, Scenes, Story, and Status.
With the chance to perform in an end-of-term show!
Run by Jon Trevor, founder and leader of Box of Frogs, director of the Birmingham Improv Festival.
Thursday nights 7.30pm to 9.30pm from January 9th to April 3rd.
Info and booking –